
Virginia Female Attorneys Stand up for Injured Mothers and Newborns

When a stillbirth occurs, the viability of the baby is lost. By definition, a stillbirth occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetus suffers a serious complication before the 20th week, typically the medical community will describe that occurrence as a miscarriage. 

Unfortunately, stillbirths can occur as frequently as one in 200 pregnancies. Some mothers may face a higher likelihood of their pregnancy resulting in stillbirth if they are suffering from an infection or a pregnancy-related illness like preeclampsia.

Our Fairfax stillbirth attorneys can help you file a lawsuit if malpractice or negligence leads to a stillbirth. We are professionally trained not only in the skillful practice of law but in the sensitivity needed to understand and empathize with mothers and parents after this type of traumatic event.

You may be able to receive compensation for:

  • All related medical costs

  • Further medical care, including therapy; 

  • Emotional trauma;

  • Pain and suffering;

  • And more if specific facts lend themselves to other claims.

Risk Factors for Stillbirth

Causes of stillbirth are wide-ranging, but commonly include umbilical cord problems or other maternal medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. Doctors have a duty to understand, diagnose and treat high-risk complications. 

Doctors should ask expectant mothers if they have had a stillbirth in the past or if they are currently using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, all of which could increase the likelihood of a negative outcome. 

If a doctor does not take appropriate and preventative actions to ensure the health and safety of the mother and the baby after noting these risk factors, then that medical professional could be found to be negligent and held accountable for damages resulting from the stillbirth.

Call our Virginia stillbirth lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

Contact our Fairfax stillbirth attorneys at your first opportunity to learn about birth injury claims if you and your family are suffering after the stillbirth of your child. Call at (703) 352-0522 or visit the contact us page.