Nursing Errors


Nurses are the lifeblood of the U.S. healthcare industry. These medical professionals have a variety of responsibilities and provide critical routine care in hospitals and nursing homes. Nurses assume a number of positions in doctor’s offices, hospitals, ambulatory care settings, schools and many other locations. Nurses with advanced training are called nurse practitioners and often practice in an independent, or near independent, practice setting.

A nurse practitioner’s duties range from administering medications and monitoring patients to delivering babies and conducting medical tests.

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nurses account for the largest profession in the healthcare industry, with more than 3.8 million registered nurses in Virginia and across the nation.

Unfortunately, nursing errors do happen from time to time, even when the nurse adheres to the established standards of care. However, there are also cases when a nursing error causes or aggravates a patient’s injury due to negligence or carelessness on the part of nurses.

If you were a victim of nursing malpractice due to a diagnosis, treatment, or medication error, consult with a Fairfax nursing errors attorney from Jones & Rostant, PC, a reputable law firm handling medical malpractice claims in Fairfax and across Virginia.

Types of Nursing Errors

Although not all nursing errors are considered “medical malpractice,” the following errors may qualify as such if you prove that the nurse failed to provide high-quality care:

  • Improper use of medical equipment. A nurse must know all the potential risks associated with using medical tools within the nurse’s scope of practice, which is why failure to properly use or sanitize medical equipment is considered medical malpractice.

  • Failure to monitor the patient. If a nurse fails to properly respond to symptoms of deteriorating health or emergency situations – or in any other way fails to adequately assess and monitor the patient – he or she may be committing malpractice.

  • Poor communication. Communication is a vital part of a nurse practitioner’s duties. For example, a nurse’s failure to properly communicate with a patient or other physicians can lead to complications. The inability to communicate symptoms, complaints, concerns, risks, or alternative treatment options is a form of medical malpractice.

  • Administering the wrong medication or dosage. Since nurses usually provide care to dozens of different patients per day, it is not uncommon for them to administer the wrong medication or provide incorrect dosage.

  • Failure to take sanitary precautions. Since hospitals are full of bacteria, viruses, and infections, nurses are required to take all reasonable precautions to ensure a sanitary environment for their patients.

  • Patient falls. Patient falls account for a number of serious injuries. If a nurse fails to assess a patient’s fall risk or intervene appropriately to prevent a patient fall, he or she may be liable for any injuries caused to the patient.

Are Nursing Errors Medical Malpractice?

Since nurses and nurse practitioners play such a critical role in providing medical care, they must adhere to the standard of care when providing patient care. When a nurse is not competent, lacks training or qualifications, or makes a nursing error due to negligence or carelessness, it can negatively affect a patient’s health and the outcome of his or her treatment.

When a nursing error is caused by a nurse or nurse practitioner’s incompetence, negligence, or disregard for safety regulations and protocols, an injured patient may be entitled to compensation.

Call our Virginia nursing errors lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

Contact our Fairfax nursing errors attorney at Jones & Rostant, PC, to evaluate your case and collect proof of the nursing malpractice. Visit our contact us page or call at (703) 352-0522.