Spinal and Orthopedic Injuries


Orthopedic and spinal surgeries present inherent risks, though in some cases, a harmed patient may be entitled to compensation if the surgeon or any other healthcare provider failed to adhere to the established standards of care.

As long as the surgeon practices within the standard of care, any preventable spinal and orthopedic injuries can be avoided. However, if the invasive procedure goes wrong because the surgeon breached his or her duty of care, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Contact a Fairfax spinal and orthopedic injuries attorney from Jones & Rostant, PC, to evaluate your particular case. Our medical malpractice lawyer from the Virginia-based law firm could help you pursue compensation if there was a deviation from the accepted standard of care.

Are Spinal and Orthopedic Injuries Medical Malpractice?

An orthopedic injury can arise from a wide range of negligent acts on the part of surgeons and other medical professionals. Since treating orthopedic injuries involves invasive procedures, the surgeon and other doctors must use reasonable, safe care.

To determine whether your orthopedic or spinal injury was caused by medical malpractice, your lawyer will have to evaluate how another doctor would have acted under similar circumstances. These are common forms of malpractice that result in orthopedic injuries:

  • Inability to diagnose fractures

  • Inadequate treatment of fractures

  • Delayed diagnosis

  • Incorrect placement of medical tools when repairing fractures

  • Improper diagnosis of nerve impingement

  • Misinterpretation of test results such as MRIs, X-rays, and CT scans

  • Incorrectly setting a broken bone

  • Inadequate placement of a replacement bone

  • Leaving surgical instruments, or sponges, inside the patient

  • Inability to notice post-surgical issues

  • Improper application of a cast

  • Failing to adequately inform t he patient of the risks and benefits of the procedure.

An orthopedic injury resulting from medical malpractice can lead to blood clots, spinal cord injuries, back damage, nerve damage, joint problems, blood vessel damage, motor function loss in extremities, need for amputation of a limb, or diminished mobility.

Spinal Injuries Caused by Medical Malpractice

Your spine is even more susceptible to injury since it is comprised of a large number of nerves surrounded by fragile and small bones and soft tissue of the vertebrae. Any damage to the spine can result in diminished quality of life, temporary or permanent paraplegia, or quadriplegia.

When it comes to medical malpractice suits stemming from spinal injuries, negligence or misdiagnosis on the part of the healthcare provider is often to blame. The following types of doctors’ errors can lead to spinal and orthopedic injuries:

  • Misdiagnosis (failure to diagnose a spinal cord injury or spine damage)

  • Anesthesia errors

  • Emergency room errors, especially misdiagnosing a broken bone after a traumatic event such as a car crash

  • Surgical errors (since the human spine is a fragile system, any types of malpractice during surgery can cause substantial damage)

Call our Virginia spinal and orthopedic injuries lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

If your spinal or orthopedic injury was caused by medical malpractice, reach out to a Fairfax spinal and orthopedic injuries attorney right away. Contact Jones & Rostant, PC, by calling at (703) 352-0522 or visiting our contact us page.